Sunday, November 27, 2011

I ordered a Meyer Lemon Tree

I ordered a Meyer Lemon Tree yesterday.  I was not happy with the company I had originally ordered from. They sent me a small stick looking thing and although it looks healthy it might not make the winter here. I know the plant is indoors, but these trees are pretty fragile when they are small.

I ordered my new Meyer Lemon Tree from Amazon after seeing a lot of positive reviews about this company. Sorry, but I won't name it here. They like to send their trees in a gallon container and with the average age of 1 year. This means the tree is about 2 ft tall and has branches and leafs already.

By doing this the tree has a much better success rate of living and prospering. Also, it has the added benefit of being able to produce flowers and fruits in the first year.

I can't wait to get this in and smell the nice aroma of its flowers. And of course, the awesome lemons!

I should have it in in about a week. I'll make sure to post an update when I get it.

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